8.14 Brady’s New Plan

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Alayna was concerned about the baby. Well, not about the baby, but what the baby would turn out to be. This pregnancy was much different from her first. Devan was very easy going. She never had morning sickness, and the first time her back cramps really bothered her was in her third trimester. But this baby was doing a number on her. She was sick all of the time and always complained about her back hurting, and she was just barely into the second trimester. She was afraid it might be twins, or worse…triplets! The odds were certainly stacked up against them seeing as how they both were triplets. But, no matter how bad she felt, she always made time for story time. Sometimes she had to pretend that she felt fine to get through it, but it was very important to her that she did it–especially since her new aspiration is to have a successful lineage.

While Alayna and Devan were reading, Brady was behind closed doors executing his new plan. He took Alayna’s advice and decided that if he was ever going to get over Robyn, he would need to find someone else. So, now that a maid came to the house every few days, he figured he would start getting to know them. It was like he won the lottery or something. He felt like he had mail order dates. His first victim candidate was Aaliyah Penn.

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We’re not sure if she actually liked him or whether she was just that easy going, but this was quite a tragic world-wind romance. Brady had been working on his charisma skills for work, so he gave her a flirty introduction. She ate it up. Then he told her how beautiful he thought she was (not so sure of his sincerity though), blew her a couple kisses, and hit her with a bold pick-up line, and she was all his. Their first kiss and their first woo hoo happened all in the same hour. He invited her to stay the night so they could get to know each other better–although, he probably should have done that first. They spent the entire day together–it was one of his off days. He thought he liked her a lot, so he asked her to be his girlfriend, and she happily accepted. She stayed the entire night, and half of the next day, and that’s when things began to go south. Aaliyah began yelling at Brady for no reason, and that’s how he discovered that she was evil. He knew this is how other Sims felt when he yelled at them, but he didn’t like the way it felt and asked her to leave. That relationship ended just as quickly as it began.

The maid agency must really appreciate the Pruett’s business and want to keep them happy because they had never received service two days in a row. Aaliyah had quit, and so they sent someone else the next day.

02-27-15_10-31 PM

“You clean our house looking that good? You shouldn’t do that. Someone might get the wrong impression.”

[insert bashful, flirtatious giggling here]

Brady didn’t even get this one’s name, but he did learn his lesson from yesterday. He waited until her work was finished, and then he asked her to hang out. He asked her about her interests and they talked! She mentioned that she was thinking about getting into shape and was looking for a personal trainer. Well, she was in luck. The last time Brady was at work, he had gotten promoted to personal trainer, and his daily tasks were now to mentor people in fitness. It was a win-win situation…as long as he didn’t screw it up.

“Hey! I’m a personal trainer, and I need clients! You could be my first one if you want.”

“No way! This is awesome!”

“If you’re free right now, we can get started. I won’t even charge you.”

“Sure! Just let me run out to the car and get my clothes.”

When she came back to the house, he led her to the gym and started her on the punching bag. She was already quite good.

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Man…she looks reeeeeal good punching the crap out of that bag…

“This is a really nice gym! It must be nice to be able to workout whenever you want.”

“Yeah…it’s great. Ok, you’re already pretty good. I’m gonna help you with your form, ok?”



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“Like this,” she asked.

“Yeah! That’s good!”

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Wow! I yelled at her and she didn’t mind! I like this personal training thing. I can let the monster out, and people will pay me to yell at them!

She was a quick learner and went a few more rounds. After she was done, she felt empowered.

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“WOOO! That was awesome, Brady! You’re going to be an excellent trainer. Can I keep coming to you?”

“You liked it? The yelling and everything?”

“That was the best part! It was motivating.”

“Oh! Well, great! Sure, I’d love to train you. Here’s my number. My sister is making dinner right now…you’re welcome to stay and eat with us if you’d like.”

“Could I? That’s so nice! Thank you!”

“No problem. Let me show you to the kitchen.”

He led her to the kitchen and introduced her to Alayna, and then he went for a jog. He wanted to be alone so he could process what happened this week. He could not believe this plan was actually working. Even if they didn’t send new maids all the time, he could meet new Sims with his personal training. He was so excited about the potential this plan brought and looked forward to being over Robyn very soon.

Meanwhile, back at the house, his plan was backfiring.

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“Hey,” Roland said. “Are you one of Brady’s clients,” he asked using air quotes.

Poor word choice, Roland!

“Brady told me that I was his first client.”

“Ohhh, no. You’re not the first,” Roland said thinking of other meanings for the word client.

“Oh! Well isn’t that something,” she said with an attitude.

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“Oh…I’m sorry. You must like him a lot. I shouldn’t have said that. I was just trying being funny.”

Like him? What was this? Some kind of ploy to get me to sleep with him? Ugh! I’m leaving! When you see him, tell him I’m no longer interested in our agreement.”

Agreement? He makes agreements with them?! He’s not playing around, is he!

“Ok, nice to meet…you,” he said as she stormed out.

When Brady came back in the house, he got a plate of garlic noodles and joined Roland in the den.

“Did you see that girl who was here,” Brady asked.

“Uhhh, yeah,” he said trying not to sound suspicious.

“She’s gonna be my first client!”


“Yeah! For my personal training business!”


02-27-15_10-48 PM

Ohhhhh boy, Roland said to himself. I just messed up!

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