Chapter 43: So Hard to Say Goodbye

I definitely misjudged Joshua. I thought he was just some low-life knucklehead that just wanted to screw my daughter and live off her parents. But like you saw yesterday, he got a job, and then he proposed and married my Jazzy! He kept his promise about beginning their own family. They found a cute little house right next door to Jayla! It made me happier to know that they would be close to her. I’m still proud of Jayla for stepping out on her own, but it makes me nervous knowing that my baby girl is living by herself.

The day finally came when we all had to say our goodbyes. It was HARD! She’s still my baby, and I was just falling in love with little Kinzi. I guess I can be like a real grandparents and have the grandkids come to the house now.

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But, in Jasmine like fashion, no sooner than they left, she was back! It makes me feel good that my wife and I created an environment that our children want to come back to. We must have done something right!

Jay and Cory have been hanging out recently after both discovering that they are geeks. But one night, he came by and he extremely sad.

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Jaxson finally passed away, and Cory is living on his own now. But, he’s doing well. He has a job now and is getting out to meet ladies. Jayden did everything he could to make him feel better, and it worked!

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After learning that Jared picked up the genius trait–and having ALL this money–I decided to invest in his education and buy him some equipment. We got him an observatory, microscope, and some spaceship builder thing. He LOVED all of it.

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That night after Jazzy left, I was watching my wife dance and thinking about how happy I am with my children now. I was also thinking about the inevitable upcoming transition in my own life. I just want to make the best of every moment now.

“Dee…I have the craziest idea.”

“What is it, dear?”

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“I love you. I’m an old man, but you know what men are never too old for?”

“What’s that?”

“Playing doctor with their wives!”

“Aiden! You’re soo bad!”

“I think we should ‘christen’ the observatory for our boy.”

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“You know what? That’s a GREAT idea! Let’s do it.”

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“Come on, honey!”

“What if the kids find us?”

“Those kids aren’t even thinking about us. Come on!”

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8 thoughts on “Chapter 43: So Hard to Say Goodbye

      1. Yeah…I will probably do the same if/when I move out London. I like playing with smaller households so I can concentrate more on each person, but I definitely will miss her and her cute little family!


        1. Yeah, I like smaller households too, so I thought I wouldn’t miss her as much, but I do! At least she comes by on her own, but I still want to make things happen in her life from time to time. I’ve really been expanding Jared’s character though as you’ll see over the next few days. Between his story and Jayden’s growing family, the house is getting big again! I was kind of enjoying the small house. Oh well.


What did you think about that?