8.18 No Longer Weird

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This is little Christina Munoz. She is the light of Mia’s life. Isn’t she just the cutest thing? From the looks of it, the once dominant blonde hair gene is back, and Melody’s grayish blue eyes have found their way in another grandchild. Genetics are so awesome. Christina is a bookworm and a social butterfly.

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This is Mia. She’s not feeling weird anymore. She dyed her hair back to black and got rid of the frumpy, dark clothes and makeup. She traded the blue hair for a blue outfit. Mia’s world is completely different, and she hasn’t been this happy in…well…maybe since she was a child hanging out with Aunt Cadence. Mia has never smiled so much in her entire life.

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Look at that face! Her life is perfect now. Even though she’s still a gloomy Sim, she’s rarely ever sad these days. Between her cute little daughter, her awesome husband, her own house, and a playmate, she couldn’t be happier.

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Look at this awesome room Mia made for Christina.

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When Mia looks into Robert’s eyes, she’s so grateful that he was brave enough and patient enough to offer her this life.

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She never knew she would enjoy being a wife, mother, and homeowner. She always cringed at the thought of having all of that responsibility. She’s not terribly good at cooking yet, but when she does it, or when she cleans the bathroom, she feels a sense of pride and a love for it she can’t describe. She likes having Sims in her life to care for, and she found that she liked being needed. Sure, sometimes it was overwhelming having a job and still keeping up with her home responsibilities, but she wouldn’t trade this life for anything. Family life was just the thing she needed to become someone she never thought she could be.

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